The best AI playground

forย prompt designers

Professional prompt editors with gpt-4o, claude-3-opus, gemini-1.5-pro and more models, function call simulation and more!

Get started for free
No API key required!

All-in-one AI prompt management

Store, edit and run your prompts in Knit.

Organize prompts with projects
Setup projects for different use cases with project members and settings.
Different access control levels for each member, share and collaborate on prompts together.

Easy-to-use and powerful prompt editors

Three unique prompt editors for different cases

๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธImage Prompt Editor NEW
Image inputs
Support the latest gpt-4o model.
Multiple image inputs in each user message and individual detail parameter control.

๐Ÿ’ฌConversation Prompt Editor

Conversations with function calls

Support the latest gpt-4o claude-3-opus and more models.
Easy to manipulate each message, function call schema editor and simulation of function call returns.

๐Ÿ“Text Generation Prompt Editor

One time text generation

Support the latest gpt-4o claude-3-opus gemini-1.5-pro and more models.
Inline variables in your prompt, run and compare results with different variable groups simoutaniously.
What's more
All sensitive data is encrypted using RSA-OAEP and AES-256-GCM in both transmission and storage.
Version control
You never lose any edits on Knit, all edit history is saved and can be restored.
๐Ÿ› ๏ธ
Models from different providers
Knit supports different kinds of models, including OpenAI, Claude, Azure OpenAI. And we are planning for supporting more!
Control API parameters
Nearly all api parameters can be set in the prompt editors. Find the best parameters for your prompts.
Export code instantly
Knit generates code for you to integrate your prompts into your application.
Knit is still in early beta, you can give us any feedback here. We prioritize features based on the community feedbacks.
Get started for free
Free projects are available to all users.
Get started
We do not sell or share any of your data on Knit.
ยฉ 2024 Knit